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Enabling Credit for MSMEs
with GenAI

AbleCredit generates Credit Decisions for MSME borrowers with no documented income, without involving a human credit manager.

Risk Efficient Credit Underwriting

Get Started

Fraud-Proof PD Report

AbleAI cannot be manipulated or bribed to give incorrect decisions or misrepresent facts.

Cashflow Verification

AbleAI assesses the accuracy of claimed cashflows by studying images, locale and audio.

Go/No-go with Eligibility

Finally, a conclusion that is  fast, complete and complies with the Credit Policy of the Lender.

50+ Risk Signals for Fraud Prevention

AbleCredit analyses 50+ Risk Signals including turnover validation, proof of work, business and operational knowledge of the borrower, inventory, among others. This ensures that it is extremely difficult to defraud the model.

Vision AI:   Turnover Estimates from Images

AbleCredit's unique model estimates turnover by analysing the setup, inventory, lifestyle and more via images.

Assess Claimed Income  

By looking at the images, the AbleAI can estimate  the income of the borrowers.

Detect Fraud Signals Quickly

AbleAI can judge the claims of business operations by analysing images.

How AbleCredit Works

Voice AI that gets Indian languages

Borrowers can talk in their native languages without hassles. Able AI will translate.

Voice of Customer

The PD report is generated with "voice of customer", verifiable with the recorded audio and its English transcript.

PD Quality Report

The report showcases how deep the PD was and whether assessing officer covered all perspectives.

Compliant AI for Enterprise

Features for the AI EDGE

List of Features

Conduct Cashflow Verification

Go beyond Credit Scores. Discover worthy borrowers.

Cashflow Analysis

Discover Quality of Revenue

Uncover true business potential by studying counterparties.

Top Counterparties

Automate Personal Discussions

Assist your credit team to get deep into the lives of borrowers.

AI Driven PD

Personalise Loan Terms

Ensure that customers get loan terms that suite them.

Personalise Terms

Analyse Collateral Documents

Make secured lending faster and more robust.

Manage Collateral Risk

Study Industry & Market Trends

Benchmark each loan case against the right industry data.

Industry Benchmarks

Automate Rules and Deviations

Get the AI to run your busines rule engine, and generate deviations.

Credit Automation

Lending, Supercharged with AI

Lend to Borrowers Without Credit History

Revolutionize cashflow-based lending with AI.

Assess borrower repayment capabilities by analysing Cashflow Data

Predict future cashflows by auto-referencing vast amounts of data.

Reduce Risks by setting accurate credit limits with customised loan terms

AI led Cashflow Based Loans

X-Ray of Assets for Secured Loans

Streamline secured lending by rapidly summarizing and thoroughly analyzing technical and valuation reports.

Free up the Credit Team to engage in deeper discussions with customers

Generate detailed analysis to stay compliant.

Secured Lending with AI

Assess Anchors and Their Vendors Relationships

Onboarding large anchors is a breeze thanks to AbleCredits deep AI system. Set custom credit limits for each vendor using a stright-through process.

AI Led Invoice Financing

Frequently asked questions

How will AbleCredit increase a Lender's market share?

AbleCredit is designed to deliver human-expert like reports, using multiple data sources, within minutes. You can underwrite a lot more loans, and have the credit team focus on customers a lot more.

Can you explain the pricing model?

Able is priced on a per loan case basis. As an enterprise focused product, we have a very flexible pricing. The exact price depends on the number of data sources and the volume of loan applications getting processed per year.

Is AbleCredit deployed in any of the large banks or NBFCs?

AbleCredit is in a pilot stage with 10+ large scale NBFCs and banks. Given the complexity of our space, the AI is getting better everyday at analysing like humans, and in some cases, even better.

Customer Review

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

I am very helped by this E-wallet application , my days are very easy to use this application and its very helpful in my life , even I can pay a short time 😍

Shahin Alam
CEO, SamirTS

Revolutionize Your Credit Organization


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How does SaaS differ from traditional software installations?

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What are the key benefits?

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