How AI is Dramatically Changing Credit Decisioning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing credit decisioning, reshaping how lenders assess creditworthiness.
AbleCredit generates Credit Decisions for MSME borrowers with no documented income, without involving a human credit manager.
AbleAI cannot be manipulated or bribed to give incorrect decisions or misrepresent facts.
AbleAI assesses the accuracy of claimed cashflows by studying images, locale and audio.
Finally, a conclusion that is fast, complete and complies with the Credit Policy of the Lender.
AbleCredit analyses 50+ Risk Signals including turnover validation, proof of work, business and operational knowledge of the borrower, inventory, among others. This ensures that it is extremely difficult to defraud the model.
AbleCredit's unique model estimates turnover by analysing the setup, inventory, lifestyle and more via images.
By looking at the images, the AbleAI can estimate the income of the borrowers.
AbleAI can judge the claims of business operations by analysing images.
Borrowers can talk in their native languages without hassles. Able AI will translate.
The PD report is generated with "voice of customer", verifiable with the recorded audio and its English transcript.
The report showcases how deep the PD was and whether assessing officer covered all perspectives.
AbleCredit is designed to deliver human-expert like reports, using multiple data sources, within minutes. You can underwrite a lot more loans, and have the credit team focus on customers a lot more.
Able is priced on a per loan case basis. As an enterprise focused product, we have a very flexible pricing. The exact price depends on the number of data sources and the volume of loan applications getting processed per year.
AbleCredit is in a pilot stage with 10+ large scale NBFCs and banks. Given the complexity of our space, the AI is getting better everyday at analysing like humans, and in some cases, even better.
We offer a variety of interesting features that you can help increase your productivity at work and manage your project essay