Ditch the Credit Score

Cashflow lending gets a makeover with AI. By analyzing mountains of data, predict a borrower's ability to repay based on cash flow, not just credit score. This translates to approving more qualified borrowers, reducing defaults, and boosting  profits.

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Safe, Robust AI

We offer a variety of interesting features that you can help increase your productivity at work and manage your project easily

Get Started

Compliant with your Data Policy

Set up your own Data Storage policy and auto-delete everything

Manual Override When Needed

Credit Team can override AbleAI's decisions whenever needed.

On Premise, On Network

Able can be set up on your network or within your premise

Say "yes" to good cases

Never miss a great case due to human biases, or lack of context based cashflow analysis.

AI Led Cashflow Analysis

Quickly analyze a borrower's bank statements, tax returns, or invoices to assess their cash flow stability and predict future income

Holistic Risk Assessment

Consider alternative data points that indicate a borrower's ability to repay, like business performance in cashflow-based lending.

Creditworthy Cases minus History

Many great and worthy borrowers may not have rich credit history. Use Cashflow based lending to get off the crutches of Credit Score.

Uncover future business income

Cross current cashflow with industry benchmarks to gauge true health and future income.

Welcome Alternative Data

Cashflow data can be very rich in assessing the true potential of a loan case.

Make Customers Happy

Earn happy and highly sticky customers by approving loans faster, and generating just the right loan terms

Fast Approvals

Automate about 90% of the loan sanction process, and approve in minutes.

Customised Loan Terms

Offer terms according to specific customers' financials. Reduce defaults and increase customer satisfaction.

Features Designed to Give You the AI EDGE

List of Features

Conduct Cashflow Analysis

Go beyond Credit Scores. Discover worthy borrowers.

Cashflow Analysis

Discover Quality of Revenue

Uncover true business potential by studying counterparties.

Top Counterparties

Automate Personal Discussions

Assist your credit team to get deep into the lives of borrowers.

AI Driven PD

Personalise Loan Terms

Ensure that customers get loan terms that suite them.

Personalise Terms

Analyse Collateral Documents

Make secured lending faster and more robust.

Manage Collateral Risk

Study Industry & Market Trends

Benchmark each loan case against the right industry data.

Industry Benchmarks

Automate Rules and Deviations

Get the AI to run your busines rule engine, and generate deviations.

Credit Automation

Tailored for diverse applications.

Fast, Safe Underwriting

Get AI to conduct deep analysis on each loan case - to the extent which is impossible for humans due to the time constraints.

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Ensure Lead Quality

Get AI to study the loan application, generate deep insights, and create a strong case before passing the lead onto the Credit Team.

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Portfolio Insights

Optimise funds, assess markets and achieve the right balance between high return loans and low risk loans.

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Revolutionize Your Credit Organization